
Kristy Bobbie

    ASSET MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE SERVICE DELIVERY: “Often, we pay most attention to the upfront costs and forget that those costs are only a fraction of the money that needs to be spent on an asset over its lifetime,” wrote Kristy Bobbie, Asset Manager with the City of Prince George (Winter 2023 issue of Asset Management BC Newsletter)

    “One of the key responsibilities of a Council is to provide for stewardship of the public asset of its community. Asking staff to provide you with a full life cycle cost analysis is the key to ensuring decisions about new assets are made with all the facts in mind. Existing and future generation taxpayers are depending on you, as today’s Council, to make the right decisions for the community and to spend our limited financial resources wisely. This includes knowing what existing assets need to be replaced and when or when not to move forward on a big shiny project,” stated Kristy Bobbi.

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