
2008 – Vancouver Island Series

Vic Derman’s Natural City: Three Lenses to Shape the Urban Future

At the third and final event in the 2008 Showcasing Green Infrastructure Innovation Series, Councillor Vic Derman of the District of Saanich elaborated on his vision for The Natural City. He posed the question: “What do we want this place to look like in 50 years, and how will we get from here to there?”

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Showcasing Green Infrastructure Innovation on Vancouver Island: Summary Report on the 2008 Capital Region Series

“The goal of the Showcasing Innovation Series is to promote networking, inform and educate practitioners, and help local governments move ‘from awareness to action’ in doing business differently — The New Business As Usual — through sharing of approaches, tools, experiences and lessons learned that will ultimately inform a pragmatic strategy for climate change adaptation,” explained Eric Bonham.

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