
2007 – Vancouver Island Series

FLASHBACK TO 2007: “Practitioners in local government are not necessarily aware when they are being innovative and are not often aware of innovation in other municipalities,” stated John Finnie, CAVI Chair, at the launch event in the Showcasing Green Infrastructure Series on Vancouver Island

“The CAVI vision for Vancouver Island is catching on. There is increasing interest,” stated John Finnie. “We believe a key to the success of CAVI is that we are talking to people, not preaching at them. Our approach is to inform and educate. We do this by creating situations for people to have conversations. The CAVI role is to plant seeds and start the conversations that will lead to action. We are encouraging people to move from conversations to dialogue, and to learn from the experience of each other.”

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FLASHBACK TO 2007: “The ingredients for success include passion and a willingness to take a vision and make it happen,” stated Rob Lawrance, City of Nanaimo Environmental Planner, at the launch event in the Showcasing Green Infrastructure Series on Vancouver Island

In 2007, Rob Lawrance set the context and introduced the unifying themes for the three City of Nanaimo presentations. In setting the context, he also elaborated on what is involved in finding the right ‘balance’ to make things happen on the ground. “It’s all about people, and most of all, it’s about involving the right people at the start,” stated Rob Lawrance. He identified four tools that are enabling City staff to drive green infrastructure innovation in Nanaimo.

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Local Governments in the Cowichan Basin Showcase Green Infrastructure Innovation

Building on the theme of limitations and planning for the future, Cowichan Valley Chair Jon Lefebure noted there is an engine of development. “We have to think about how to operate that engine differently, We must focus on preserving what we have that provides our qualtiy of life. Moving foward from today, I would like the political leadership of Vancouver Island to be more proactive.”

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Local Governments in the Comox Valley Showcase Green Infrastructure Innovation

“Like most other areas on Vancouver Island, the Comox Valley is at a major cross-roads as to how we will develop and still maintain the natural beauty of our community. This is a real challenge.We are experiencing phenomenal growth. So we are really depending on the practitioners to keep us grounded and realistic so that growth will be sustainable,” stated Starr Winchester, Chair of the Comox-Strathcona Regional District.

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Regional District of Nanaimo and City of Nanaimo co-host first in ‘2007 Showcasing Innovation Series’

“From a City of Nanaimo perspective, the Showcasing Innovation Series is timely. Our participation has served as a catalyst for the City to evaluate our progress to date and reflect on lessons learned from our experience. The City is enthusiastic about sharing what we have learned with our peers in other Vancouver Island municipalities,” stated Rob Lawrance.

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Cowichan Valley Regional District and two member municipalities partner to co-host second in ‘2007 Showcasing Innovation Series’

“The Regional District, District of North Cowichan and City of Duncan will showcase the role of partnerships – first, in developing a shared vision of what the ‘valley future’ can look like; and next, in implementing actions that will bring the vision to fruition. The unifying theme is: to make things happen, local governments need to partner and pool resources,” states Kate Miller.

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Vancouver Island Partnership Announces Schedule for ‘2007 Showcasing Innovation Series’

Experience shows that intra-region communication among local government practitioners is the exception rather than the rule.”Yet practitioners in local government do want to learn from those who are innovating, and they do want to visit projects that are precedent-setting,” adds John Finnie, Chair of the CAVI Leadership Team, “They just need a starting point and a push to get the ball rolling.”

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