
Design With Nature to Create Liveable Communities & Protect Stream Health – an array of contextual resources


This study recommends best practices that will help communities in British Columbia better understand the impacts of higher and lower density on their water resources. The findings indicate that low-density developments may not always be the preferred strategy for protecting water resources.

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New EPA ‘Smart Growth’ Release – “Growing Toward More Efficient Water Use: Linking Development, Infrastructure, and Drinking Water Policies”

This publication focuses on the relationship between development patterns, water use, and the cost of water delivery. It reviews literature that shows how large-lot, dispersed development patterns can cost more to serve because of the length of pipe required, pumping costs, and other factors. It also includes policy options that directly reduce the cost and demand for water, while indirectly promoting smarter growth.

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Design With Nature to Enhance the Built Environment

Increasingly, the focus of design professionals is on how to build and/or rebuild communities in balance with the natural environment. Green infrastructure means use of processes and systems that are natural or mimic nature to provide community services — i.e. “design with nature”.

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Green Infrastructure in British Columbia: the province’s perspective

Michael Zbarsky, with the Municipal Engineering Services Branch of the BC Ministry of Community Services, delivered a presentation outlining the province’s perspective on green infrastructure to a 2005 Joint AGM in Burnaby. The AGM had a green infrastructure theme, and was of special interest to municipal engineers, planners, and others interested in introducing green infrastructure to their communities.

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Win-Win Transportation Solutions

In December 2005, the Victoria Transport Policy Institute issued a report entitled “Win-Win Emission Reductions: Smart Transportation Emission Reduction Strategies Can Achieve Kyoto Targets And Provide Other Economic, Social And Environmental Benefits”. Prepared by Todd Litman, the report was presented as a contribution to the 11th United Nations climate change conference held in Montreal.

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Whistler 2020 wins international planning award

In November 2005, the Resort Municipality of Whistler won first place in an international competition for long-term planning for its comprehensive sustainability plan, Whistler 2020. Whistler won top honors out of all 53 competing cities. Whistler was also declared one of the most liveable communities in the world, winning a silver medal and placing third in its population category for this award.

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