
2014 posts

Asset Management BC Newsletter (July 2014): The Renewed Federal Gas Tax Agreement, Part One

On May 22, 2014, it was announced that the Administrative Agreement on the Federal Gas Tax Fund in British Columbia (the GTA) had been signed between Canada, British Columbia and UBCM. “Leading into our negotiations with Canada and BC, we reached out to the membership to gather feedback on the first nine years of the program. What we heard is that there was a desire to see the program streamlined, and more room provided for local decision making,” said UBCM President Rhona Martin.

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Affordable & Effective Asset Management: Drainage Infrastructure Screening Tool supports implementation of “Sustainable Service Delivery” by local governments in British Columbia

“The web-based Drainage Infrastructure Screening Tool is designed to help local governments implement a watershed-based approach, one that results in affordable and effective Asset Management. In an era of fiscal constraints and increased emphasis on accountability, the tool allows local governments to demonstrate prudent use of scarce financial resources to achieve more at less cost,” reports Kim Stephens.

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Vancouver Island 2065: Moving Towards Sustainable Service Delivery

“Sustainable Service Delivery integrates all the principles of Asset Management. It understands the value of land-use planning; and it understands the impacts that land-use planning has on service delivery. It also integrates the ‘design with nature’ philosophy,” states Derek Richmond.

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Moving Towards Sustainable Service Delivery in British Columbia: “Build awareness first, then implement,” emphasized Glen Brown at inter-regional collaboration session

“We cannot move forward with Asset Management without consideration of the environment, and therefore the watershed. Sustainable Service Delivery builds on the principles of Asset Management. It is going to be a component, and a requirement, under the next Gas Tax Grant Program. This is where we will find traction in moving Sustainable Service Delivery forward,” stated Glen Brown.

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