ECOLOGICAL ACCOUNTING PROCESS: “Living Water Smart in British Columbia: What’s in a Number?” – ‘story behind the story’ of the methodology and metrics (released by the Partnership for Water Sustainability in October 2022)
Note to Reader:
In October 2022, the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia released “Living Water Smart in British Columbia: Ecological Accounting – what’s in a NUMBER?” This is the “story behind the story” of the pattern of discovery by Tim Pringle that resulted in development of the methodology and metrics for EAP, the Ecological Accounting Process.
EAP is the only ecological methodology that deals with the parcel
“In our latest release titled What’s in a Number, the Partnership for Water Sustainability’s Tim Pringle shares the story behind the story of the ‘pattern of discovery’ that led him to the BC Assessment database. In developing the EAP methodology and metrics, he has demonstrated that ‘the parcel’ is the lynchpin for integrating line items for M&M of streams systems in asset management budgets,” stated Kim Stephens, Partnership Executive Director.
“Local government elected representatives and staff understand the parcel perspective because this is what they work with every day,” Tim Pringle reminds us. “Getting it right about financial valuation of ecological services starts at the parcel scale and recognizing that every parcel is interconnected within a system.”
“Three decades ago, the philosophy that ‘use and conservation of land are equal values’ launched Tim Pringle on a career trajectory that has culminated with his breakthrough accomplishment in leading the EAP initiative. EAP opens ups multiple pathways for local governments to achieve the goal of ‘natural asset management’.”
“Now, with EAP as a foundation piece, maintenance and management (M&M) of stream systems can be integrated into a Local Government Finance Strategy for sustainable infrastructure funding to tackle the Riparian Deficit.”
To Learn More:
To read the complete story published on October 18th, 2022, download a PDF copy of “Living Water Smart in British Columbia: Ecological Accounting – what’s in a NUMBER?”