YOUTUBE VIDEO: “Through the building blocks approach that has defined the EAP program, we have reached a point where a number of hydra-like concepts have been tamed to become the Riparian Deficit,” stated Tim Pringle (August 2021)


EAP is the acronym for the Ecological Accounting Process, an initiative of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia. It is a 3-stage program for testing EAP in 2017-2018, refining it in 2019, and mainstreaming it in 2020 through 2022. Demonstration applications have been completed in five regions on the east coast of Vancouver Island and in the Lower Mainland.

Riparian Deficit

“Each case study yields key lessons and fresh insights. It has been a 6-year journey to evolve the methodology from concept to application. It took a building blocks process to bridge from the starting point — how EAP looks at the ‘stream as a whole-system’ (rather than as an amorphous ‘natural asset’) — to reach the destination,” states Kim Stephens, Partnership Executive Director.

“The destination is a methodology plus meaningful metrics for measuring the Riparian Deficit. This is a new concept. We are framing it as the environmental equivalent of the Infrastructure Liability (Deficit) for constructed assets. Simply put, EAP provides the basis for establishing budgets for maintenance and management, or M&M, of stream corridor systems,” continues Tim Pringle, EAP Chair.

To Learn More:

First, read DOWNLOADABLE RESOURCE: “The methodology and metrics for measuring the Riparian Deficit have been tested, refined and mainstreamed through a building blocks process that is founded on EAP demonstration applications,” stated Kim Stephens, Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC (August 2021)

Then watch the video of Tim Pringle as he explains the Riparian Deficit. The duration is 4:30 minutes.