THE NATURAL ASSET SOLUTION: “Innovation in asset management is most likely to occur when the focus is on the end goal of Sustainable Service Delivery,” stated Gracelyn Shannon, co-author of an article about a capital project in the qathet Regional District that integrated a natural asset as an alternative to concrete or pavement (Winter 2021 issue of the Asset Management BC Newsletter)
There are Alternatives to Concrete and Asphalt – Integrating a Natural Asset into a Capital Project
“Innovation in asset management is most likely to occur when the focus is on the end goal of Sustainable Service Delivery. Finding the best solutions sometimes requires stepping back to ask: “What is the service we are trying to provide, and what is the most sustainable way to provide it?” stated Gracelyn Shannon in an article published in the Winter 2021 issue of the Asset Management BC Newsletter.
“qathet Regional District, in collaboration with the City of Powell River, has undertaken a capital project which uses forested Natural Assets to support stormwater management services. Rather than fixating on the details of the original proposed engineered design, the project team was able to step back and recognize the opportunity to use a Natural Asset solution which saves forest and taxpayer money.”
To read the complete article by Gracelyn Shannon, download a copy of the Winter 2021 issue of the Asset Management BC Newsletter