ASSET MANAGEMENT BC NEWSLETTER (September 2017): “Climate risks are another layer of risk to consider in the management of assets,” stated Dr. Guy Felicio
Managing Assets in the Context of Future Climate Uncertainty
“Today, infrastructure practitioners across the country– urban planners, engineers, public finance officers and asset managers are planning, designing and constructing or retrofitting long-life assets that undoubtedly will experience changes in climate,” stated Dr. Guy Félio.
“This is the asset management space: plan, build operate and maintain over the asset’s life-cycle. Future climate uncertainty adds a new variable to the mix – one that cannot be dealt with using the traditional “factor of safety” approach since the unknown is too broad and the probability of changes materializing too uncertain.”
To read the complete article, download the September 2017 issue of the Asset Management BC Newsletter.
Download a copy of the keynote address by Guy Felio at the 2017 Annual Asset Management BC Conference: Managing Assets in the Context of Future “Climate” Uncertainty