FLASHBACK TO 2004: Consultation Workshop on “Model Subdivision Bylaw & Green Infrastructure Standards” was the launch event for the Green Infrastructure Partnership



Vision for a Model Subdivision Bylaw and Green Infrastructure Standards

The Green Infrastructure Partnership (GIP) was formed in 2003 to promote an integrated approach to land development and infrastructure servicing that addresses the need for coordinated change at different scales – that is: region, neighbourhood, site and building.

The GIP was one of six elements that made up the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia, released in February 2004.  The six elements holistically link water management with land use.

The Action Plan recognizes that the greatest impact on water, land and water resources occurs through our individual values, choices and behaviour.

The Action Plan also recognizes that partnerships hold the key to building broad-based support for improving water management practices, and for integration of water management with land use.


An Integrated Approach to Land Development

“The Green Infrastructure Partnership is a consortium of four organizations that share a vision for developing and implementing a Model Subdivision Bylaw and Green Infrastructure Standards that will present options for land development regulation province-wide,” stated Chuck Gale, GIP Chair, at the time of formation.

Chuck Gale_120pImplementation by local governments will be voluntary, but once the decision is made to embrace green infrastructure, implementation will be by regulation. This will be a multi-step process. The first step will be the creation and dissemination of an optional ‘Green Supplement’ to the Master Municipal Construction Document Association (MMCD) Design Guidelines.

“The Green Infrastructure Partnership also recognizes that resolution of green infrastructure issues will depend on the sustained efforts of various groups and individuals over time.”

2004 Practitioners Workshop

A workshop on May 11th 2004 provided an opportunity to introduce the Green Infrastructure Partnership to a selected provincial audience.

The 2004 consultation event also provided the opportunity to test and validate the direction in which the GIP was heading. Participants included pioneer practitioners and/or  advocates of emerging green infrastructure practices.

The primary purpose of the 2004 consultation was to explore the diversity of issues and difficulties inherent in defining and implementing a green infrastructure approach to land development.

To Learn More:

Download the AGENDA.

Download the DISCUSSION PAPER that was distributed to participants prior to the workshop.

Download the THANK YOU MEMO from the GIP Steering Committee.

Workshop outcomes are documented in the Report on the Green Infrastructure Consultation Held on May 11, 2004 in Vancouver .

Section 4 of the report summarizes the event outcomes and provides a frame-of-reference for the 2005 REAC Workshop.
