Vision for ‘designing with nature’ in Adelaide, Australia: Create a city that is greener, more comfortable, healthier and more liveable

Note to Reader:

INathan James Crane_Adelaide Review_trimmed_120pn April 2017, the Adelaide Review newspaper published an article by Nathan James Crane about Green Infrastructure and how it may be the solution that draws together a cohesive set of ideas to develop and maintain healthy living in South Australian communities. Crane is a Design Writer / Editor with  the Adelaide Review.

Sustainability and Strategy in Adelaide’s Green Infrastructure

In a broad sense, the aim of the strategy is to create more cohesive, connected and well-articulated conversations about sustainable living; to provide a way to organise government and council project teams to respond to things like storm-water retention and play-space programs that are already in operation.

The implementation of the ideas still faces some challenges though. “I worry that while there’s a reasonable dialogue around the opportunities that green infrastructure provides for the community, there is still limited action,” says Stephen Forbes, a botanist and former director of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.Stephen-Forbes_South Australia_120p

“In Adelaide there is no real shared vision for what we’re trying to achieve, governance arrangements are focussed on statutory hierarchies rather than resolving conflict and on-going challenges for community and industry capacity, such as plant selection and supply.”

To Learn More:

Download Sustainability and Strategy in Adelaide’s Green Infrastructure to read the complete article published in The Adelaide Review newspaper in April 2017.