Asset Management BC Newsletter (June 2016):”How I Personalized Asset Management” – reflections by Christina Benty
Note to Reader:
The Town of Golden is one of the most progressive small communities in BC endorsing and addressing asset management programs towards sustainability with scheduled asset replacement and renewal. The leadership of former Mayor Christina Benty was a major driving force in such progressive moves and the positive outcomes they achieved.
The story presented below is an extract from an article written by Christina Benty in the Summer 2016 issue of the Asset Management BC Newsletter.
Built Environment is the Foundation of Communities
“Life is all about managing assets whether it is your own health or municipal infrastructure. As a former politician, I am passionate about asset management and I have made it my mission to inspire elected officials to take their stewardship responsibilities seriously,” writes Christina Benty.
“Although the long term sustainability of publicly owned assets ought to be the most critical strategic priority, it often gets buried under a number of other more visible initiatives, some being outside of the mandated authority and responsibility of local government.”
“Asset management is not a buzz word or a phase to endure or box to tick. It may feel like one more thing on the plate of local government like being forced to eat a burger with a double patty after a massive turkey dinner, but it really is formalizing what is already being done.”
“Renewing and maintaining our existing infrastructure and services is key to our continued economic vitality as a country.”
To Learn More:
Download a PDF copy Asset Management BC Newsletter – Issue No. 17 (Summer 2016) and and read the complete article.