Asset Management BC Newsletter (July 2014): The Renewed Federal Gas Tax Agreement, Part One

Note to Reader:

Asset Management BC is a Champion Supporter of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia. Similarly, the Partnership is a supporter of Asset Management BC. The story below is extracted from the Summer 2014 issue of the Asset Management BC Newsletter. To download a copy, click here.

The Champion Supporter designation allows the Partnership to formally recognize agencies and organizations that provide substantial financial and/or in-kind support that in turn enables the Partnership to develop tools and deliver programs under the umbrella of the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia. Asset Management BC has provided frequent opportunities for the Partnership to “tell the Action Plan story” in the Asset Management BC Newsletter. 

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Development of an Asset Management Framework

On May 22, 2014, it was announced that the Administrative Agreement on the Federal Gas Tax Fund in British Columbia (Renewed Gas Tax Agreement or GTA) has been signed between Canada, British Columbia and the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM).

RhonaMartin_UBCM_120p“Leading into our negotiations with Canada and BC, we reached out to the membership to gather feedback on the first nine years of the program,” said UBCM President Rhona Martin. “What we heard is that there was a desire to see the program streamlined, and more room provided for local decision making. You can see those elements in the reduction of the number of pooled funding programs, the increased portion of funding delivered through allocations.

Strengthening of Local Government Capacity to Undertake Asset Management

“It is clear that asset management has been identified as a priority by all parties. The Partnership Committee is developing the Asset Management Framework and is anticipating that it will be approved and made available to local governments in early fall,” wrote Paul Taylor, Brant Felker and Glen Brown in their co-authored article, published in the Asset Management BC Newsletter. Schedule F of the Gas Tax Agreement includes this statement:

“….the partnership committee will develop an Asset Management framework to guide Local Governments in meeting their Asset Management commitment under this Agreement. The framework will support all Local Governments to build and strengthen Asset Management over the term of the Agreement while recognizing the varying capacities of Local Governments and the range of ongoing Asset Management activities.”

To Learn More:

To download a PDF copy and read the complete article in the Summer 2014 issue, click on Asset Management BC Newsletter – Issue No. 11 (July 2014)

To read the second in the two-part series, click on Asset Management BC Newsletter – Issue No. 13 (February 2015)

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