University of British Columbia produces “Innovations in Stormwater Management Video Series”
Note to Reader:
In 2002, looking at rainfall differently led the Province of British Columbia to initiate changes in the ways rainwater runoff is returned to streams. The goal is protect watershed and stream health. Through the ongoing efforts of Dr. Hans Schreier, the University of British Columbia is a partner in advancing a science-based approach that integrates the site with the watershed, stream and aquifer. His latest contribution is the Innovations in Stormwater Management Video Series.
“The video series features what leaders in innovative stormwater management are doing in the Metro Vancouver region,” explains Hans Schreier, UBC Professor Emeritus
“It was a pleasure to showcase some of the local champions of low impact designs for urban rainwater and stormwater management in this video series,” states Dr. Hans Schreier, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Land and Food Systems at the University of British Columbia. “Our interactive map shows all of our featured locations, and this is just a drop in the bucket in terms of what is out there!”
“Given the increase in climatic variability and urban land use intensification, it is high time that we promote innovations that deal with increasing flooding events and urban pollution. The video series features what some of the leaders in innovative stormwater management are doing in the Metro Vancouver region.”
“The video is designed to show what individual house owners can do to manage rainfall, reduce their water footprint and minimize surface runoff from their property. At the neighbourhood scale, we feature municipal innovations that deal with roads and parking lot runoff; and at the watershed scale, we address the cumulative effects and the options to reduce all impacts from urban activities,” explains Julie Wilson, Academic Coordinator, Master of Land and Water Systems Program at the University of BC. Julie Wilson is the narrator and producer of the video series.
“This is our first attempt in trying to translate science into actions in the hope that these innovations will be increasingly mainstream in the future,” concludes Hans Schreier.
To Learn More:
The video series is used in UBC’s Urban Watershed Management course (SOIL 516), one of several online Watershed Management course offerings. This series is also useful for developers, students, real estate agents, municipal/regional planners, managers and engineers. Visit the home page for the video series at
Other Suggested Reading: Integrating the Site with the Watershed, Stream and Aquifer: Partnership for Water Sustainability releases “Primer on Water Balance Methodology for Protecting Watershed Health”