Wetlands, Not Wastelands: A Workshop for Metro Vancouver Municipalities (November 19)
Note to Reader:
This one-day workshop will include presentations and discussions on ways to integrate wetland conservation at a municipal and regional level with a variety of tools from policy to built-infrastructure. As a group, participants will share experiences and explore challenges and opportunities facing future wetland conservation.
Organized by the BC Wildlife Federation Wetlands Program, the workshop aims to strengthen the Metro Vancouver region’s capacity to secure green infrastructure – promoting human health and nature.
TO REGISTER: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/8174418907
Wetlands, Not Waste Lands
“The Wetland Workshop targets key agencies involved in wetland conservation. To this end, the workshop program is designed to inform and educate planners, engineers and other municipal / regional district staff involved in urban development policy and permitting, Integrated Stormwater Management Plans (ISMPs), wetland mapping projects and/or watershed planning,” states Neil Fletcher, Chair, Wetland Stewardship Partnership of BC, and Wetlands Education Program Coordinator for the BC Wildlife Federation.
“Wetlands are the kidneys of the earth. Recognizing the value of this keystone ecosystem, the BC Wildlife Federation is hosting a Wetlands Workshop to strengthen Metro Vancouver’s capacity for wetland conservation,” adds Christine Cooper, Wetland Intern with the BC Wildlife Federation Wetland Education Program. “We are challenging local government by posing this question: Is your municipality doing enough to prevent downstream impacts from rainwater runoff while maintaining healthy aquatic habitat?“
“Context for the Wetland Workshop is provided by the vision for a Metro Vancouver Regional Green Infrastructure Network,” adds Neil Fletcher. “This has been identified as one of four areas of opportunity in the region’s Ecological Health Action Plan. Managing the lands in the Green Infrastructure Network to ensure that they continue to provide ecosystem services that we depend on is important.”
Workshop Presentation Team
Kim Stephens (Executive Director, Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC) – A local expert in watershed-based planning and rainwater management, Kim will address wetland conservation through the lens of integrated rainwater (stormwater) management, nuts and bolts of the Water Balance Model and how this translates to Metro Vancouver. An integrator and facilitator, Kim plays a bridging role between the Province and local government. He is responsible for delivering the Water Sustainability Action Plan through collaboration and partnerships.
Elke Wind, (E. Wind Consulting) – Risks, benefits and design considerations of stormwater ponds and ditches for amphibian species and other wildlife. Elke will focus on a Seattle case study, which investigates amphibians as bioindicators of wetland health through the extent of use by amphibian species in stormwater ponds.
Robyn Worcester (Stanley Park Ecology Society); Alan Duncan (City of Vancouver) – Beaver Lake in Stanley Park is a high profile wetland in Metro Vancouver, rife with invasive species, diverse public expectations and rapid infilling due to non-natural alterations to its watershed. Consultants will present current restoration proposals to open up the discussion on the issues and controversy facing urban wetlands. Participants will have the opportunity for a guided tour of Beaver Lake.
Deborah Carlson (West Coast Environmental Law) – The Green Bylaws Toolkit is a resource that provides local governments (municipal and regional) and the public with practical tools for protecting green infrastructure. It includes exemplary bylaws that local governments in BC are using to protect sensitive ecosystems and explains the various legal approaches to protection, their benefits and drawbacks. Deborah will also share current policy and legal tools to address climate change, green infrastructure and rainwater management work.
To Learn More:
Click on Help for Local Governments on the Frontlines of a Changing Climate (Deborah Carlson)
BC Wildlife Federation Wetlands Education Program
The BC Wildlife Federation’s Wetlands Education Program (WEP) helps build the capacity of British Columbian citizens to determine their backyard wetland assets, and increase their community’s environmental health using this knowledge.
WEP activities result in habitat restoration, enhancement & conservation through the collaboration of communities, BCWF clubs/members, NGOs, naturalist groups & First Nations.
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