Green Infrastructure Boosts Property Values: Wisconsin study indicates that rainwater management features have economic benefits
Green Investments Pays Off
“Preliminary results conducted by a UW-Milwaukee researcher show that ‘green infrastructure’ has boosted property values in Milwaukee,” wrote Lisa Kaiser, News Editor of the Shepherd Express newspaper, in an article posted on April 30, 2013.
“According to researcher Kate Madison, a policy analyst for the UW-Milwaukee Center for Economic Development, green features added to developments in the Menomonee Valley, the Pabst Brewery site and the Lincoln Creek area have reaped financial benefits for those properties as well as local taxing authorities.”
“The green infrastructure features Madison studied were those that manage stormwater runoff, such as greenways, rain gardens, wetlands, bioretention facilities, porous pavement and other landscaping elements.”
“Madison’s study indicates that in addition to improving the environment, green features have a positive impact on property values and the tax base.”
To Learn More:
To read the complete article by Lisa Kaiser, click on Green Value Boosts Property Values.