How Green Does Your Garden Grow?
Gardening is Eco-Unfriendly?
“Gardening: surely few things could be more eco-friendly? Not so, it seems. Scientists have produced new research which suggests that, far from doing their bit to save the planet, Britain’s green-fingered army may be damaging it,” write Roger Dobson and Jonathan Owen in an article published in the Independent newspaper.
Research Findings
“The very staples of modern gardening, from mowing and watering the lawn to the use of peat and pesticides, have a harmful effect on the environment, claim experts from the University of Reading, the University of Sheffield, and the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS). Their paper, The Domestic Garden: Its Contribution to Urban Green Infrastructure, questions the widespread assumption that gardening is eco-friendly.”
Dr Tijana Blanusa, senior horticultural scientist at the RHS and one of the authors of the report, said: “With the findings of this report in mind, the RHS will continue to work closely with gardeners, horticultural trade and horticultural researchers to minimise potential negative impacts and ensure that gardeners get the most out of their gardens without ‘costing the Earth’.”
To read the complete article, click on Gardening turns out to be very eco un-friendly
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Posted February 2012