A Guide to Green Choices: Ideas & Practical Advice for Land Use Decisions in Britsh Columbia Communities
Integration – A Key Theme
In 2008, the Province released A Guide to Green Choices to provide practical advice and ideas in making land use decisions. This Guide is expected to work in tandem with many other programs and projects already underway, including Living Water Smart and the BC Climate Action Plan.
According to Laura Tate, principal author of the document, “The guide is meant to assist communities of all types: large, small, rural, resort-based, urban, and suburban. It is designed to help maximize both creativity and adaptability to varied scales, specific contexts, and changing on-the-ground conditions.”
“A key theme in A Guide to Green Choices is the notion of integration,” concludes Laura Tate. “It stems from a belief that the solid efforts already being made could be even stronger if they work together in the right direction — not at cross-purposes.”
To Learn More:
To read the complete story posted in October 2008, click on A Guide to Green Choices: Ideas & Practical Advice for Land Use Decisions in Britsh Columbia Communities
To download a copy of the document, click on A Guide to Green Choices