Thinking Like a Watershed: From Rain to Resource Worksop connects the dots between water, watersheds, human development patterns and restoration
From Stormwater to Rainwater
In October 2010, the Okanagan Basin Water Board (OBWB) and the BC Water & Waste Association (BCWWA) are co-hosting a 2-day workshop titled From Rain to Resource: Managing Stormwater in a Changing Climate. This high-profile event is being held in Kelowna, British Columbia.
Conservation Hydrology
The keynote speaker is Brock Dolman, Director of the California-based WATER Institute. He has been featured on many radio programs and in award-winning films, including The 11th Hour by Leonardo DiCaprio, and has published numerous articles on sustainable watershed management.
Living up to his specialized generalist nature, and rekindling the dwindling art of the peripatetic natural historian, his experience ranges from the study of wildlife biology, native California botany and watershed ecology, to the practice of habitat restoration, education about regenerative human settlement design, ethno-ecology, and ecological literacy activism towards societal transformation.
Brock Dolman will expand on Conservation Hydrology, which emphasizes the need in many areas for human development designs to move from drainage to retainage.
Connecting the Dots
“Brock’s keynote presentation, entitled ‘Basins of Relations: Thinking Like a Watershed’, will offer interpretation about water, watersheds, human development patterns and restoration. Brock will discuss rainwater harvesting as a strategy of water conservation from roofs to the broader landscape,” states Anna Warwick Sears, OBWB Executive Director.
“The Okanagan Rainwater Workshop provides a timely forum for 'convening for action' to advance a new culture for watershed protection and restoration in British Columbia. Brock Dolman's keynote theme dovetails with the ongoing rollout of Beyond the Guidebook 2010,” continues Kim Stephens, Program Coordinator for the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia.
To Learn More:
“To help the Okanagan Basin Water Board and BCWWA tell their story about managing change, we are posting a series of stories on Water Bucket during the August through October period to foreshadow what to expect at the Okanagan Rainwater Workshop,” states Mike Tanner, Chair of the Water Bucket Website Partnership. To access these stories, click here.
Rainwater management is landscape-based, is about managing the spectrum of rainfall events, and is at the heart of water-centric green infrastructure. For an historical perspective, click on The legacy of the late Don Moore: he initiated the paradigm-shift from STORMwater to RAINwater
Posted September 2010