City of Portland invests sewer infrastructure savings in Green Street projects


 Note to Reader:

In Spring 2010, Portland City Council invested some $20 million in projected sewer infrastructure cost savings into Green Street projects — such as planted curb extensions and roadside drainage swalesfor the purposes of achieving long-term rainwater management objectives.


Capture Rain Where It Falls

Evan manvel (90x120) - blue oregon columnist“Green Streets are a smart long-term investment,” writes Portland columnist Evan Manvel. “By letting nature do its work, savings over traditional hard infrastructure approaches are significant, ranging from 20 to 63%. Portland ratepayers will be getting $25 to $54 million of sewer and stormwater services for $20 million.”

To read the complete article published online by BlueOregon, click on The Snowball of the Sewer Myth. To download a PDF copy, click here.

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BlueOregon describes itself as the water cooler around which Oregon progressives gather. A place for news and original commentary.

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Posted May 2010