Trent Street Rain Gardens: City of Victoria showcases ‘green street’ demonstration project at Bowker Creek Forum


Trent street rain garden

Convening for Action in British Columbia’s Capital Region

In February 2010, the Bowker Creek Forum celebrated the major breakthrough that has been achieved with completion of the Bowker Creek Blueprint. This is a 100-Year Action Plan to improve Bowker Creek and its watershed.

Bowker Creek is located in the urban heartland of British Columbia’s Capital Regional District. Three municipalities share the watershed: City of Victoria, City of Oak Bay and District of Saanich.

Trent Street Rain Gardens

At the Forum, Steven Fifield explained why and how the City of Victoria has emerged as a ‘rain garden champion’. He is the Manager of Underground Utilities with the City of Victoria.

Steven fifield (120p) - city of victoria“The City decided to showcase green infrastructure in Victoria by constructing the Trent Street Rain Gardens. This is our demonstration project. Rainwater that previously flowed directly into Bowker Creek through the storm drain system is now directed into two gardens. This both treats and reduces the runoff volume.”

“This type of green feature is the future of good watershed management in Bowker Creek and other watersheds in our region.”

To read the complete story and view Steve Fifield explain the project on a series of YouTube video clips, click on City of Victoria showcases Trent Street Rain Gardens.

Posted March 2010