Green Infrastructure Partnership: Connecting the dots to water sustainability on Vancouver Island


Convening for action on vancouver island - dec 2009

Water-Centric Development Practices

“Desired water sustainability outcomes are less irrigation water use, and reduced John finnie, cavi chair  (120 pixels)rainwater runoff. These are complementary outcomes. The link is water-centric land development practices. Green infrastructure is the means to this end,” states John Finnie, Chair of Convening for Action on Vancouver Island, known by the acronym CAVI.

“On Vancouver Island, a convergence of interests has created an opportunity for all the players to set their sights on the common good, challenge the old barriers of jurisdictional interests, and make water sustainability real.”

“Historically, the Province of British Columbia has enabled local government by providing policy and legal tools. Local governments can choose to act, or not. This enabling philosophy has become a driver for a regional team approach to achieving water sustainability through implementation of green infrastructure policies and practices.”


What Does CAVI Do?

 “CAVI has brought together those who plan and regulate land use (local government), those who build (developers), those who provide the legislative framework (the CAVI brochure - cover (360p)Province), those who advocate conservation of resources (stewardship sector), and those who provide research (university and college). We will also be reaching out to those who grow food (agricultural sector),” explains John Finnie.

The CAVI Partnership comprises the British Columbia Water & Waste Association (BCWWA), the Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia, two provincial Ministries (Environment, and Community & Rural Development), and the Green Infrastructure Partnership.


Contribution by Green Infrastructure Partnership

“The Green Infrastructure Partnership was an early CAVI supporter, beginning with the consultation workshop that launched the initiative in September 2006 in conjunction Ray fung (120p)with the Water in the City Conference,” notes Ray Fung, GIP Chair. “Each year since then, the Green Infrastructure Partnership has contributed to curriculum development for the educationally-based CAVI program. In particular, Susan Rutherford has provided law and policy content.”


Posted December 2009