Green Infrastructure Partnership organizes “Beyond the Guidebook Seminar”


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In November 2007, the Green Infrastructure Partnership held a seminar in Vancouver to inform local government and land use practitioners regarding the emerging policy framework and senior government expectations for applying a Beyond the Guidebook approach to land development and watershed management.

The seminar was structured in three parts to deal with the Why, What and How in going Beyond the Guidebook.  To ensure relevance, the City of Surrey created a knowledge-transfer group exercise based on the Fergus Creek watershed plan, which is the provincial pilot for Beyond the Guidebook.

The seminar also enabled the Green Infrastructure Partnership to report out on provincially funded programs and tools that are being developed and implemented through partnerships, with notable examples being the Showcasing Green Infrastructure Innovation Series and the Water Balance Model powered by QUALHYMO.

To read the complete story of the Beyond the Guidebook Seminar, click on Green Infrastructure message resonates with British Columbia engineers.

APEGBC4 - breakout groups

Posted November 2007