Town of Gibsons receives 2009 Energy and Climate Action Award for Upper Gibsons Geo-exchange District Energy Utility
Upper Gibsons Geo-exchange District Energy Utility
The Town of Gibsons has won the 2009 Energy and Climate Action Award in the Community Planning and Development category for development of the Upper Gibsons Neighbourhood Plan. The centerpiece of this neighbourhood plan is the new Upper Gibsons Geo-exchange District Energy Utility.
The first of its kind in North America, this system, which will be owned and operated by the municipality, will provide renewable earth energy heating to all new buildings in Upper Gibsons, reducing GHG emissions from heating and hot water by an astonishing 96% (1,450 tonnes). This innovative project will result in energy cost savings of $350,000 annually and about 1/3 of that will be returned to residents as energy cost savings.
The awards were presented at the Union of B.C. Municipalities Convention by John Yap, Minister of State for Climate Action. “These communities are showing how local governments can be creative in building energy efficient and resilient communities,” said Yap. “Local governments that address their energy footprint are helping in the fight against climate change while at the same time saving money.”
In accepting the award, Gibsons Mayor Barry Janyk said “We have committed to creating a unique and dynamic, “energy-smart” community and the Upper Gibsons Geo-exchange Utility is just one example of how we will achieve this objective. The Town truly appreciates the recognition that the honour of receiving CEA’s award provides.”
About the Energy and Climate Action Awards
The awards are organized annually by the Community Energy Association in partnership with the Province of British Columbia, Union of British Columbia Municipalities and BC Hydro. “The awards celebrate leadership of local governments taking action on climate change and energy. This year’s winners demonstrate that energy planning, energy efficiency and renewable energy are possible no matter where you live in the province,” said Richard White, Co-Chair, Community Energy Association and Director of Community Development, City of North Vancouver.
Posted October 2009