City of Portland’s Green Building Policy raises high hopes for long-term dividends


PORTLAND, OREGON: The city’s proposed green building policy may take effect in turbulent economic times, but Realtor Michelle Gila thinks the policy will pay long-term dividends.

Gila, who worked on a stakeholders’ committee to help form the policy, said the green building policy will contribute to Portland’s “long-term economic stability and development in green collar jobs, which will have a positive effect on our region.”

Portland Commissioner Dan Saltzman said Wednesday that the proposed policy will address climate change by offering a financial reward to commercial developers who exceed energy performance standards for their buildings.

The policy is intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, maximize energy efficiency and cost savings, decrease consumption of potable water, increase on-site storm water management and improve indoor environmental quality.

 To read the complete story as published online by the Portland Daily Journal of Commerce, click on this link to Hopes are high for Portland green building policy.


City of Portland Proposed High Performance Green Building Policy

High performance green building presents one of the best solutions to improve environmental performance while strengthening the local economy and keeping buildings affordable in the long term.

Recognizing the many benefits of green building, in 2007, Portland City Council directed the Office of Sustainable Development to develop policy options to improve the environmental performance of commercial and residential buildings community-wide.

The resulting proposed High Performance Green Building Policy also addresses City Council's goal to identify steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent from 1990 levels by 2050.


Posted December 2008