Green Communities Initiative provides backdrop for convening for action at 2009 Penticton Forum



Convening for Action in British Columbia

In April 2009, the Water Sustainability Committee of the BC Water & Waste Association (BCWWA) organized the Penticton Forum in collaboration with the Okanagan Basin Water Board and three provincial Ministries, namely: Community Development, Agriculture & Lands, and Environment. BCWWA hosted the Forum as an adjunct to the Annual Conference.

Penticton forum - crowd scene

The Penticton Forum showcased three regions where communities are ‘convening for action’ and embracing a ‘regional team approach’ to make a difference. Each regional initiative is developing a vision and road map to change the way that land is developed and water is used. Each is responding to this challenge:

  • How do we align our efforts at three scales – provincial, regional and local – to do business differently, prepare communities for change, and choose to be water smart?

The Province’s  Green Communities Initiative and Living Water Smart, BC’s Water Plan provided the backdrop for the Penticton Forum. The program content was built around approaches and tools for achieving truly green development. To learn more, click on The Story of the 2009 Penticton Forum: Convening for Action and Making Green Choices in British Columbia.

Penticton forum - mission statement


Posted July 2009