Moving from Stormwater Management to RAINwater Management: A Federal Fisheries Perspective
Released in June 2007, Beyond the Guidebook: Context for Rainwater Management and Green Infrastructure in British Columbia is a guidance document that describes a runoff-based approach to drainage modeling. Furthermore, it connects the dots between source control evaluation and stream health assessment. In a nutshell, it means this is ‘where science meets analysis' because runoff volume management is directly linked to stream erosion and water quality. The Beyond the Guidebook provincial initiative is co-sponsored by the Green Infrastructure Partnership and the Water Balance Model Inter-Governmental Partnership. Because Fisheries and Oceans Canada is on the steering committees for both partnerships, the Beyond the Guidebook Seminar held in November 2007 provided a timely opportunity to inform local government and land use practitioners regarding the emerging policy framework and senior government expectations….for applying a Beyond the Guidebook approach to land development and watershed management. Corino Salomi (Head, Habitat Section, Lower Fraser Valley), a member of the steering committees for both the Green Infrastructure and Water Balance Model partnerships, delivered a presentation titled Moving from Stormwater Management to RAINwater Management: A DFO Perspective. His presentation was structured in three parts: an overview of fish habitat management policy and legislation; the history of guidelines in British Columbia; and a federal perspective on Beyond the Guidebook. “We are moving from guidelines to tools”, Corino noted when introducing the road-map for his presentation.
Corino Salomi – cover for downloadable web story
Author Corino Salomi, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Publisher Green Infrastructure Partnership
Date November 2007