Sustainability principles adopted by Delta Council evolve into a Sustainable Template for Development
When the Corporation of Delta hosted the first event in Showcasing Green Infrastructure Innovation in Metro Vancouver: The 2007 Series, there was considerable interest in learning more about a checklist of environmental, social and economic elements has evolved into a Sustainable Template for Development.
According to Marcy Sangret of the Delta Community Planning and Development Department, the set of sustainability principles adopted by Council for the Delsom Estates Development was transformed into a checklist that is now the municipality's Sustainable Template for Development. She also stated that an element of Delta's Climate Change Initiative is to determine how the municipality can apply the Sustainability Template to other projects.
For an earlier story on this initiative, please click here. To download a copy of the checklist, please click on this link to Delsom Sustainabiltiy Template.
Marcy Sangret placed emphasis on the progression from a checklist…to a commitment…to implementation. To download a copy of her PowerPoint presentation, please click on this link to Delsom Estates Development Sustainability Template
Posted November 2007