Vancouver Island Development Projects Illustrate ‘Green Value’ Approaches: Real Estate Foundation and Ministry of Environment fund ‘case study profiles’

The Green Value and Develop with Care programs of the Real Estate Foundation and BC Ministry of Environment, respectively, have produced a collection of twelve case studies that profile and/or celebrate leading examples of real estate development projects in Vancouver Island communities. These case studies illustrate how green value approaches have been implemented, and include a review of the benefits/liabilities of each project.

To download the set of case studies, please click on this link to Green Value Strategies & Develop with Care Case Studies .


What is Green Value?

Green Value refers broadly to approaches to use and conservation of land, including the natural and man made assets upon it, which take into account ecological capital (assets/resources) as well as market and social capital. For example, re-infiltration of rainwater on a development site, which may be a water sustainability strategy, helps protect the hydrology of an area and the health of related streams and wetlands. LEED certified buildings save on energy costs, contribute to water sustainability, and so on.

Green Value means thinking about and realizing land use strategies that accommodate settlement needs in practical ways while protecting the ecological resources upon which our communities depend. Understanding green value approaches provides positive options for managing growth, the design of communities and buildings while sustaining environmental integrity.

The Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia (REFBC) is pursuing a strategy toTim pringle (60 pixels), april 2007 persuade local governments on Vancouver Island to adopt “green value” approaches to planning for and accommodating settlement growth.  “Our goal is to have at least two local governments per year adopt a green value approach to approving development applications and project designs”, notes Tim Pringle, Executive Director. For more information, please click here.


Develop with Care

The Ministry of Environment has prepared Develop with Care: Environmental Guidelines for Urban and Rural Land Development in British Columbia to provide province-wide guidelines for maintaining environmental values during the development of urban and rural lands.

Develop with care - cover (360 pixels)

The March 2006 version of Develop with Care replaces the previous versions (June 2004 and April 2005) of Environmental Best Management Practices for Urban and Rural Land Development in British Columbia. This document is intended to assist people who are involved in planning, implementing, reviewing and/or approving land developments in British Columbia’s urban and rural areas.

“While its primary purpose is to provide province-wide guidelines, Develop with Care  also provides information on ways that environmental protection and stewardship can benefit the community, the property owner and the developer, as well as the natural environment”, notes Marlene Caskey, the project lead for the Ministry of Environment.

To download a copy of Develop with Care, please click here to access the Ministry of Environment website.



Posted May 2007