Showcasing Innovation in the Greater Vancouver Region
The Showcasing Innovation Series is an initiative of the Green Infrastructure Partnership, and is organized as a workshop in the morning followed by field tour in the afternoon. The series is structured this way to create opportunities for practitioners to network and share “how to do it” experiences on the ground. The host municipalities set the scene for the field tour by providing comprehensive and in-depth presentations. The program is designed for engineering, planning, land development, operations, and environmental departments. For the complete story on the three events that comprised the 2006 program in the Greater Vancouver region, please click here.
According to Paul Ham, Chair of the Green Infrastructure Partnership, “The Showcasing Innovation Series is a building block process – each time the objective is to raise the bar when celebrating successes in participating municipalities. In other words, we are encouraging friendly competition! For example, after the City of Surrey arranged with TransLink to provide experimental hybrid buses for the field tour that it hosted, the City of Vancouver one-upped this by chartering a Double-Decker tour bus.”
Posted November 2006