Changing the Way Land is Developed in the Greater Vancouver Region
Sustainable Region Initiative Task Force urged to champion ‘designing with nature’
In October 2006, a delegation from the Green Infrastructure Partnership met with the elected officials who comprise the Sustainable Region Initiative (SRI) Task Force, chaired by Mayor Lois Jackson, Municipality of Delta. The objectives of the delegation in meeting with the SRI Task Force were two-fold:
- Inform the elected officials regarding the success of the Celebrating Green Infrastructure: Showcasing Innovation Series.
- Seek their support for a Mayors Forum on Green Infrastructure
To read the Minutes of the meeting, click here. A perspective on the meeting is provided by this quote: Inform, inspire and enable people to work together through partnerships to act now.
Context provided by Mayor Pam Goldsmith-Jones
The briefing document that provided the SRI Task Force with background was titled Changing the Way We Develop Land: Design with Nature. The meeting was facilitated by Mayor Pam Goldsmith-Jones, District of West Vancouver. In her introductory remarks, Mayor Goldsmith-Jones provided this perspective:
“I have been asked by members of the Green Infrastructure Partnership to help them support local leaders throughout BC, so that we – the politicians – can champion the idea that designing with nature, particularly with regard to how water flows, has everything to do with achieving a built environment that is truly sustainable.”
“As the leaders appointed to design the Sustainable Region Initiative for the GVRD, we view you as critical partners in affecting positive change with regard to infrastructure design in the region.”
“Right now, there is a body of practice emerging that demonstrates success in building green infrastructure. The Green Infrastructure Partnership wishes to help you deliver on the promise of a sustainable region.”
“We are looking for your leadership, and we wish to support you in taking the long term view for the betterment of the region today, and into the future.”
Elected Officials Focus Group:
“In 2006. Mayor Goldsmith-Jones was a member of an Elected Officials Focus Group that was interviewed by the Green Infrastructure Partnership. By listening to what elected officials have to say, we provide an informed basis for moving forward with changes in the way we develop land and use water,” stated Kim Stephens. “The purpose in conducting the interviews was to fill an information gap because what has been lacking is this – written information on green infrastructure from the perspective of elected officials, for elected officials.”
The Delegation & Outcome
To download a copy of the presentation slides that guided the ensuing roundtable discussion, please click on this link to Changing the Way We Develop Land: A Presentation by the Green Infrastructure Partnership. The delegation comprised:
Paul Ham, Chair, Green Infrastructure Partnership
- Dale Wall, Assistant Deputy-Minister, Ministry of Community Services
- Raymond Fung, Chair, BCWWA Water Sustainability Committee
- Kim Stephens, Program Coordinator, Water Sustainability Action Plan
An outcome of the meeting was that the Green Infrastructure Partnership was invited to participate in the GVRD’s Sustainability Community Breakfast program. The Sustainability Community Breakfasts are a series of monthly breakfast meetings.
“The monthly breakfast meetings provide an ongoing opportunity for network and partnership building while at the same time building awareness and understanding of urban sustainability challenges, bringing together individuals and organizations interested in the sustainability of the region,” explained Mayor Lois Jackson.
Background on Metro Vancouver’s Sustainable Region Initiative
The Sustainable Region Initiative is the commitment of the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD):
- to consider the future in both its plans and actions,
- to care for community, environment and economy in everything the GVRD does, and
- to nurture partnerships that make the Greater Vancouver region great today and even better tomorrow.
The GVRD launched the Sustainable Region Initiative (SRI) in 2001 to identify public values regarding regional sustainability, the principles that should guide regional development, and the key actions necessary.
“Today, the SRI is the overarching framework for all GVRD activities.” stated Mayor Lois Jackson.
Posted November 2006