Green Infrastructure in British Columbia: the province’s perspective

Posted January 2006


Michael Zbarsky, with the Municipal Engineering Services Branch of the BC Ministry of Community Services, delivered a presentation outlining the province’s perspective on green infrastructure to the 2005 Joint AGM for the Municipal Engineers Division of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC, and the Master Municipal Construction Document Association. Held November 25, 2005 at the Hilton Hotel in Burnaby, the AGM had a green infrastructure theme, and was of special interest to municipal engineers, planners, and others interested in introducing green infrastructure to their communities.

The presentation discusses how the ministry is involved with and supports green infrastructure, and provides an overview of the ministry's infrastructure funding programs as well as its involvement with other ministries and various organizations. The key message of the presentation is that all else being equal, the “design with nature” approach of green infrastructure will rate higher than traditional hard infrastructure for grant funding.

To download a copy of the presentation, please click on this link to Green Infrastructure