
John Henneberry

    DOWNLOAD A COPY OF: Living Water Smart in British Columbia: “Financial Case for Bowker Creek in the  Capital Region” – released by the Partnership for Water Sustainability in October 2021

    “EAP, the Ecological Accounting Process provides communities with a philosophy, pragmatic methodology and metrics to make the financial case for annual investment to prevent degradation and improve the condition of ecological assets that constitute a stream corridor system. Use of EAP to establish the ‘financial case for the stream’ would put maintenance and management (M&M) of stream corridor systems on an equal footing with constructed assets (municipal infrastructure),” stated Kim Stephens.

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    DOWNLOAD A COPY OF: “Living Water Smart in British Columbia: EAP, the Ecological Accounting Process is Game-Changing!” – released by the Partnership for Water Sustainability in October 2021

    “Streams and other water assets are Natural Commons Assets. Everyone has expectations, enjoys and uses them, and so on. There is an implied contract to maintain and manage them so that they will be there in the future. But from an asset management point of view, we do not have the metrics and so we do not measure ecological services. While we know their impacts, we just don’t know the order-of-magnitude of harm or problems that those impacts have. EAP at least gives us an order-of-magnitude measure,” stated Tim Pringle.

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