REMEMBERING BARRY JANYK, POLITICAL CHAMPION FOR SMART DEVELOPMENT: “The legacy of Barry Janyk is that his efforts elevated our profile and credibility with local government elected representatives. In the 2000s, he got us onto their radar screen and that enhanced our ability to influence them,” recalled Kim Stephens of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC
The edition of Waterbucket eNews published on January 28, 2025 celebrated the contributions of the late Barry Janyk (1952-2024), former 4-term mayor of the Town of Gibsons. He was outspoken, funny and fearless in following his passions and advocating for the causes he believed in. One of those causes was “Smart Development”. Because he believed in doing the right thing, he played a leadership role in setting the green infrastructure movement in motion a generation ago. He was an influencer in a profound and public way. He helped change history.