
Capital Regional District

    LANDSCAPE WATER CONSERVATION IN KELOWNA: “The City Utility is excited to promote this online tool (BC Landscape Water Calculator) to our residents. It makes the process of understanding, calculating, and submitting water use reports to the City so much easier and user-friendly,” stated Ed Hoppe, Water Quality and Customer Care Supervisor, City of Kelowna

    “The City’s approval process for integration of landscape and irrigation system design is keyed to three requirements. First, use of turf-grass is limited to a maximum of 60% of the site. Secondly, irrigation systems must be sized so that water use would not exceed the allowable annual water budget. Thirdly, a Landscape Water Conservation Report must be submitted for the City’s approval,” stated Ed Hoppe. “Use of the BC Landscape Water Calculator (to support reporting out) highlights the importance of making conscious water decisions while still making your landscape look fantastic. Win-win for everyone!”

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    DOWNLOAD A COPY OF: “Living Water Smart in British Columbia: Operationalizing the BC Landscape Water Calculator”, released by the Partnership for Water Sustainability in June 2021

    “In 2011, the City looked at options to reduce peak water demands due to the high cost of a new water source. This included conservation, optimizing existing sources and system efficiencies. Several different conservation programs were explored, one of the programs implemented was a voluntary program for irrigation and landscape water efficiency. The solution to our need was the BC Landscape Water Calculator. Homeowners can now provide us with a report that shows how their choice of water efficient plants and landscape design meets their water budget,” stated Amy Peters.

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