
Turning Ideas Into Action

TURNING IDEAS INTO ACTION: “Water as a Form-maker,” an op-ed by Tim Pringle, Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia

“Nature shapes landscapes, and harbours ecological assets that support human settlements. Our communities and enterprises have an uneasy relationship with this master form-maker. Why this tension when it is in human nature to respond to the run of the land, the palette of flora, and sensations stirred by wind, water, wildlife and other whims of nature?” wrote Tim Pringle. “This axiom must be true; human settlement cannot exist without a supporting, healthy ecology as is the case for all living systems.”

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Turning Ideas Into Action: Environment Deputy Minister lauds work of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC

“The work of the Partnership is supporting the Province’s Living Water Smart vision and Green Communities initiative. In particular the Partnership’s efforts to bring together five regional districts—Metro Vancouver, Capital Region, Cowichan Region, Nanaimo Region and Comox Valley—to implement the Georgia Basin Inter-Regional Educational Initiative (IREI) has been particularly successful. This program is effectively demonstrating how to align regional and local actions with the provincial policy, program and regulatory framework,” wrote Wes Shoemaker.

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TURNING IDEAS INTO ACTION: “We are creating a ‘sharing of experience’ about land development practices and stream health,” observes Peter Law, a founding Director, Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC

“The reason I joined the Partnership for Water Sustainability in the early days of ‘incorporation’ was to be an advocate for educating local communities, land decision makers and the stewardship communities about the need to move from awareness to action. We need to both reduce the demand for water and protect stream health from the adverse consequences of land development practices,” recalls Peter Law. “It was  through my work as a Provincial Fish Biologist that I became aware first-hand of the issue of water sustainability and watershed health.”

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Turning Ideas Into Action: “Use hindsight to frame what lies ahead,” says Erik Karlsen

“Change involves a paradigm shift from an old way of thinking-and-doing to a new way, typically to replace unacceptable outcomes with acceptable ones,” stated Erik Karlsen.
“When this occurs some might ask why the old way wasn’t designed to anticipate and prepare for its impacts from the outset? And, more to the point, how do we design and implement new paradigms to achieve more sustainable and resilient outcomes; those which consider and address all interests and are capable of dealing with uncertainties inherent in complex adaptive systems.”

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Green, Heal and Restore the Earth: Ian McHarg’s “Design with Nature” vision has influenced implementation of British Columbia’s Water Sustainability Action Plan

In his 1969 book, Design With Nature, Ian McHarg pioneered the concept of environmental planning. “So, I commend Design with Nature to your sympathetic consideration. The title contains a gradient of meaning. It can be interpreted as simply descriptive of a planning method, deferential to places and peoples, it can invoke the Grand Design, it can emphasize the conjunction with and, finally it can be read as an imperative. DESIGN WITH NATURE!,” wrote Ian McHarg. He insisted we look at the many aspects of the entire system we are designing. Instead of fighting against natural forces, design in harmony with them.

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BC Partnership celebrates 10th anniversary of Water Sustainability Action Plan on December 3, 2013

“Over the last 10 years, the WSC/Partnership has accomplished much. Through a strategic partnership with the Ministry of Environment, we developed the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia, which provided the framework for our work,” states Raymond Fung. “As a result, the website portal was initiated.  The Water Balance Model was developed.  The Water$ave Toolkit was completed.  The Green Infrastructure Partnership was launched.  And on Vancouver Island in particular, the Convening for Action initiative has inspired a whole grassroots collective.”

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FLASHBACK TO 2003: Genesis for the “Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia”

“The drought, forest fires and floods that British Columbia experienced in 2003 have created a teachable moment for change in the way we view water in this province,” stated Ray Fung. “Capitalizing on this opportunity, the purpose of the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia is to promote and facilitate sustainable approaches to water use and water resource management.” Sustainable communities are all about choices – choices that become reality very quickly, with lasting consequences.

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BC Hydro’s Conservation Community of Practice demonstrates a “top-down & bottom-up” approach to leading change

“We define conservation quite broadly, to include more than just conserving energy or reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Our long-term goal is build connections between and within communities that result in advancing existing and creating new community-based commitments to actions that support the creation of a conservation culture, and ultimately, conservation itself,” stated Pia Nagpal. “The Conservation Community of Practice, supported by BC Hydro, was created in 2010 to bring together like minded conservation champions across BC to collaborate and share best practices.”

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Inter-Regional Education Initiative: from ‘proof of approach’ on Vancouver Island in 2012 to full-scale implementation in 2013

“The inter-regional program will link activities so that everyone can share experiences, benefit from lessons learned, and align efforts with the Living Water Smart and Green Communities initiatives. Collaboration, alignment and consistency in application will create opportunities for everyone to be more effective,” states Kim Stephens. “Each region has developed a provincially significant plan or approach to achieve water and watershed sustainability. All are striving to implement a consistent regional approach that protects and/or restores natural watershed function over time.”

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Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia: Framework for Building Partnerships

“Numerous groups and organizations implicitly share a vision for integrated water management. Partnerships hold the key to building broad-based support for improving water management practices, and integrating water management with land use,” states Kim Stephens. “The Action Plan was conceived as a partnership umbrella for on-the-ground initiatives that promote water stewardship across the province, and that also inform Provincial policy through shared responsibility.”

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