

DOWNLOAD: “The Story of the Metro Vancouver Water Balance Model Forum – Living Water Smart and Making Green Choices to Create Liveable Communities and Protect Stream Health” (released in March 2009)

“The Ministry of Community Development has an increasing role in ensuring that local governments are advancing and changing the ways they plan and design their communities for the better. We also described how the Ministry is using the Green Communities Initiative to advance green infrastructure province-wide. We emphasized that we are slowly raising the bar for local government. For example, we are saying ‘show us what you are doing to protect stream health’,” stated Karen Rothe.

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DOWNLOAD: “Re-focus Integrated Stormwater Management Plans on on watershed targets and outcomes so that there are clear linkages with the land use planning and development approval process” – Metro Vancouver Reference Panel (2009)

A commitment by Metro Vancouver municipalities to integrate land use and drainage planning was the genesis for Integrated Stormwater Management Plans (ISMPs). “When the Reference Panel reported back to the Waste Management Committee in July 2008, we identified the ISMP process as a sleeper issue because there are 130 watersheds in the region; and continuation of the old-business-as-usual would potentially result in an aggregate unfunded liability that could easily equal the $1.4 billion cost of sewage treatment,” stated Kim Stephens.

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DOWNLOAD: Metro Vancouver Board Aligns Regional Planning Vision with “Living Water Smart, BC’s Water Plan”

When the Board met in March 2009, “it approved realigning the goals, strategies and actions in the updated LWMP to keep current with senior government policies and positions, as well as ensure that Metro Vancouver’s and senior governments’ environmental and fiscal objectives and actions are mutually supportive and successful,” stated Lois Jackson, Chair.

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DOWNLOAD: Shared Responsibility Underpins a Regional Team Approach to Creating Our Future in British Columbia

“Policy and legal tools can help developers, regulators and designers collaborate to implement green infrastructure solutions and ensure responsible outcomes. Each party in the process has a responsibility. There are solutions to be found if all parties simply talk to each other about how they could all work together more effectively,” stated Susan Rutherford.

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