
Metro Vancouver Liquid Waste Management Reference Panel

Metro Vancouver Reference Panel recommends monitoring long-term cumulative impacts of multiple contaminants in liquid discharges

“Current senior government regulations deal with one contaminant at a time and even though levels may be below some set threshold, the presence of multiple contaminants and their interaction can have impacts on organisms in the long term that are not being considered. The Cautions, Warnings, Triggers process now used by Metro Vancouver focuses mainly on individual contaminants,” stated Ken Hall.

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Metro Vancouver Reference Panel recommends mandatory source control program for liquid wastes

“Fats, oils and grease (FOG) waste discharges from commercial establishments have significant impacts on the capacity and condition of the sanitary sewer collection system, and therefore have substantial cost implications over time. This is the reason why we recommended that the region provide additional financial incentives, enforcement resources and automated monitoring technologies,” stated Garry Cooper.

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Metro Vancouver Reference Panel recommends establishing a “stewarding committee” to ensure Liquid Resource Management Plan stays true to the vision

“Metro Vancouver Reference Panel recommends establishing a ‘stewarding committee’ to ensure Liquid Resource Management Plan stays true to the vision. There is a need for fresh, objective eyes bolstered by a strong political mandate to keep asking questions, prod Metro Vancouver and members toward the vision, and assist with the waste-to-resource paradigm-shift over time. A ‘stewarding committee’ would play an expert and non-partisan role,” stated Susan Rutherford.

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