UniverCity Leads Way with Next Generation of Green Infrastructure Innovation
“UniverCity on Burnaby Mountain” is living up to expectations…the vision for a sustainable community has quickly come to fruition.
“UniverCity on Burnaby Mountain” is living up to expectations…the vision for a sustainable community has quickly come to fruition.
The Green Infrastructure Partnership collaborated with Metro Vancouver, two member municipalities (Delta and Langely Township)and UniverCity to present “Showcasing Green Infrastructure Innovation In Greater Vancouver: The 2007 Series”.
The goal in showcasing innovation and celebrating successes is to promote networking, build regional capacity, and move ‘from awareness to action’ – through sharing of green infrastructure approaches, tools, experiences and lessons learned as an outcome of designing with nature. The Summary Report elaborates on what was accomplished at each of three events in the 2007 Series.
The Delta theme was “Greener Developments, Roadside Rainwater Management and the Urban Forest”. The program showcased Delta’s green infrastructure initiatives and shared lessons learned.
The Township showcased what can be accomplished with large-scale projects when Council, the community and staff are in alignment and embrace a ‘green culture’.