LANDSCAPES AND WATERSHEDS IN BC ARE AT A HEIGHTENED RISK: “Younes Alila is in the news because he is raising the alarm. His message boils down to RISK AND LIABILITY. The actual consequences of clearcut logging, he warns, are magnified in this era of weather extremes,” stated Kim Stephens
“UBC forestry professor Dr. Younes Alila is courageous in challenging conventional wisdom about what he believes to be the misguided and scientifically indefensible practice of forest hydrology in BC. His findings are relevant to urban drainage practice. Trained as a civil engineer, Younes Alila found himself having to do science. In the process, he landed on a discovery of great import. Research by Younes Alila and his grad students over the past three decades demonstrates how clearcut logging leads to more frequent flooding, including extreme floods,” stated Younes Alila.