DOWNLOAD A COPY OF: “Living Water Smart in British Columbia: Election day flooding spurs re-set and course correction” – released by the Partnership for Water Sustainability in November 2024

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Published by the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia, Waterbucket eNews celebrates the leadership of individuals and organizations who are guided by the Living Water Smart vision. The edition published on November 26, 2024 is the announcement of record for release of the Synopsis of the Chronicle of Green Infrastructure Innovation in Metro Vancouver from 1994 through 2024. 




Election day flooding spurs re-set and course correction

On election day in British Columbia, an atmospheric river deluged Metro Vancouver and parts of the province’s south coast. Flooding was widespread across the Lower Mainland.

“The storm caused more than $110 million in insured damaged according to the Insurance Bureau of Canada,” reported the Canadian Press on November 15, 2024. On top of this are the flood costs incurred by local governments.

Draft Interim LWMP is the springboard to a re-set and course correction in 2025 for the “streams and trees” component

Timing is everything. When Metro Vancouver’s Liquid Waste Committee met in October and again in November, the Election Day Flood was top of mind. When the members endorsed the Draft Interim Liquid Waste Management Plan (LWMP), it was a culminating moment in a 3-year process.



Once per decade, the LWMP update process is an opportunity to “look back to see ahead”. The Draft Interim LWMP focuses on reducing demands at source – which means rainwater runoff. The plan has key elements for a re-set and course correction in 2025 to get it right this time.

Lessons from the past inform the future

In November 2024, the Partnership released THE SYNOPSIS for the Chronicle of Green Infrastructure Innovation in Metro Vancouver. The Chronicle itself will follow in 2025.  The Chronicle is a sweeping narrative.

The Chronicle tells the story of the past three decades by weaving quotable quotes from a host of champions who led changes in thought, process and practice. The Chronicle is crafted to serve as a “legacy resource” so that lessons from the past inform the future.

The Synopsis of the Chronicle is visual and light on text  Oriented to senior managers, it can easily be skimmed in 20 minutes or less! The Synopsis concludes with a framework for a re-set and course correction for the “streams and trees” component of a revitalized LWMP.



To Learn More:

To read the complete story download a copy of Living Water Smart in British Columbia: Election day flooding spurs re-set and course correction.