DOWNLOAD A COPY OF: “Living Water Smart in British Columbia: Caring for the land means going beyond just doing enough” – released by the Partnership for Water Sustainability in January 2024

Note to Reader:

Published by the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia, Waterbucket eNews celebrates the leadership of individuals and organizations who are guided by the Living Water Smart vision. The edition published published on January 30, 2024 foreshadows the component program that the Partnership will deliver at the 2024 BC Land Summit in May. Blue Ecology and EAP, the Ecological Accounting Process, are strategic priorities of the Partnership. The process for interconnecting the two begins at the BC Land Summit with a cascading and integrated sessions under the banner Going Beyond Just Doing Enough.

Caring for the land means going beyond just doing enough

“Blue Ecology and EAP, the Ecological Accounting Process are strategic priorities of the Partnership,” stated Kim Stephens, Waterbucket eNews Editor and Partnership Executive Director. “Since 2016, we have been collaborating with Michael Blackstock and with multiple local governments on Vancouver Island and in Metro Vancouver to advance both because:
  • WATER RECONCILIATION: Blue Ecology is a methodology for building bridges between Western and Indigenous cultures.
  • RIPARIAN DEFICIT: EAP is a financial tool for establishing budgets for asset management within stream corridors.”
“In 2024, our bold leap forward is to interconnect the two tracks. This process begins with a cascading and integrated Blue Ecology-EAP session at the BC Land Summit in May.”


EAP as an expression of Blue Ecology

“We are talking about a change in attitude so that communities would view natural systems and water differently,” emphasizes Richard Boase, co-lead for the BC Land Summit session. Richard is also the moderator and face of the Watershed Moments symposia and video series.

“Streams need a place to be. If we cannot get our heads around that, we are not going to keep our streams,” continues Tim Pringle, EAP Chair and co-lead for the session. “EAP provides a value picture of a stream system as a land use. The Riparian Areas Protection Regulation enables this approach.”

Blue Ecology is a Pathway to Water Reconciliation and Resilience at the Local Scale: 

“Our land ethic has consequences for water,” summarizes Paul Chapman, chair of the Watershed Moments Team. “In 2023, the team produced a 90-minute video about Blue Ecology which Shaw Cable broadcast throughout BC. The video showcases what it means to apply Michael Blackstock’s five Blue Ecology water cycle principles.”

Watch the video trailer:  Set aside 6-½ minutes. Click on the YouTube image below. Watch the trailer overview. It is powerful.

To Learn More:

To read the complete story, download a copy of Living Water Smart in British Columbia: Caring for the land means going beyond just doing enough. The downloadable version includes a Bonus Feature – more from “Tim Pringle and Michael Blackstock in conversation”.