DOWNLOAD A COPY OF: “Living Water Smart in British Columbia: What organization serves only rural local governments, community leaders and First Nations?” – released by the Partnership for Water Sustainability in May 2023
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Waterbucket eNews celebrates the leadership of individuals and organizations who are guided by the Living Water Smart vision. The edition published on May 23, 2023 featured the story behind the story of the BC Rural Centre. It has a mission to act as a catalyst organization that sustains and advances rural wellbeing and development in British Columbia.
Rural constituencies want a voice
Two decades ago, the devastation caused by the pine beetle resulted in the Southern Interior Beetle Action Coalition. In 2018, SIBAC evolved into the BC Rural Centre, with a mission to act as a catalyst organization that sustains and advances rural wellbeing and development in British Columbia.
In 2021, the board of the re-formed BC Rural Centre commissioned Barry Janyk, a former 4-term mayor of the Town of Gibsons, to go on the road and have conversations around the province. A set of research questions provided the framework for his conversations.
Barry met with senior coastal and interior business and industry representatives, elected representatives, and dozens of ‘average folks’ along the way. “All shared valid perspectives and clear opinions on why they choose to live rural and what they perceive the issues to be,” he stated in his report to the board.
An idea for conference attendees to consider is a Rural Mayors, Chairs and Chiefs Caucus
“I prepared a report that reflected what I learned from this travelling roadshow. The report lists 18 issues of concern to rural and remote communities,” explains Barry Janyk. “The board said this is great. Now, as Executive Director, what could you do to solve these 18 problems? I was gob smacked.”
“We had a strategic planning session in June 2022 to decide what the BC Rural Centre could realistically accomplish as an advocacy organization for rural constituencies. This is the genesis for holding the Keeping It Rural Conference a year later in early June 2023.”
“The conference is bringing together 90 community leaders from all parts of the province to Kelowna to map a path forward for the rurals. Two keynote speakers, Chief Clarence Louie of the Osoyoos Indian Band and Sean Markey of Simon Fraser University, will inform the conversation about areas of critical need for action in rural areas.”
To read the complete story, download a PDF copy of Living Water Smart in British Columbia: What organization serves only rural local governments, community leaders and First Nations?