DOWNLOAD A COPY OF: Living Water Smart in British Columbia: Embedding a Sustainable Service Delivery Culture within Local Governments (October 2022)
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Waterbucket eNews celebrates the leadership of individuals and organizations who are guided by the Living Water Smart in British Columbia: The Series vision. The edition published on October 4, 2022, featured a conversation between Wally Wells and David Allen. They are the outgoing and incoming Executive Directors, respectively, of Asset Management BC.
Accountants do not know how to account for natural assets
The news from Asset Management BC is that Wally Wells has passed the Executive Director baton to David Allen to continue the “sustainable service delivery” mission. This duo will continue their collaboration for the foreseeable future as Asset Management BC builds on the foundation now in place after a decade of hard work and a team effort.
The Partnership for Water Sustainability and Asset Management BC share common interests and are jointly operationalizing lynchpin action items identified in Living Water Smart in British Columbia. Although a Memorandum of Understanding is the springboard for ongoing collaboration, our shared commitment to building a resilient future transcends an MOU.
The passing of the baton from Wally Wells to David Allen is the reason that the Partnership released a document titled Embedding a Sustainable Service Delivery Culture within Local Governments. This is another in our “story behind the story” series. It features Wally and David in conversation. They are “agents of change” in the realm of local government.
David Allen and Wally Wells are candid in sharing their reflections on emerging themes that underpin their call to action. “You need free-flowing conversations to be able to reflect and push the boundaries of your comfort zone. That is when you find inspiration,” stated David. The theme for their reflections is Look Back to See Ahead: What have we learned?
To read an article by Wally Wells titled What’s in a WORD: The word ‘Plan’, download the Winter 2022 issue of the Asset Management BC Newsletter.
Takeaway Message: Focus on Outcomes
Released in December 2014, and updated in 2019, Asset Management for Sustainable Service Delivery: A BC Framework has redefined the context for deciding how infrastructure is planned, financed, implemented, and maintained in British Columbia. It raises questions about how communities would service urbanizing and redeveloping areas in future.
The BC Framework points the way to a holistic and integrated approach to asset management. Nature, and the ecosystem services that it provides, are viewed as a fundamental and integral part of a community’s infrastructure system.
To read the complete story published on October 4th, 2022, download a PDF copy of ” Living Water Smart in British Columbia: Embedding a Sustainable Service Delivery Culture within Local Governments ”.