DOWNLOAD A COPY OF: “Living Water Smart in British Columbia: Better Communities, Better Lives”, released by the Partnership for Water Sustainability in June 2021

Note to Reader:

The edition of Waterbucket eNews published on February 9, 2021  shone the spotlight on the Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LGA) in the southwest corner of British Columbia. Laura Dupont, Lower Mainland LGA President, provided a window into the thinking that motivates her Board to strive for “Better Communities, Better Lives”.

Better Communities, Better Lives

“The Vancouver Island symposium in 2019 on water stewardship was so inspiring and informative. It was a wonderful experience. I left Parksville feeling hopeful,” stated Laura Dupont, a Councillor with the City of Port Coquitlam, and President of the Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LGA),

“How has the water symposium series inspired me?  In SO many ways. There is so much good work being done to support and restore ecosystem services on the island, I am hopeful to see some of that happen here, in a much more urbanized Metro Vancouver.”

“Rivers and streams truly are the lifeblood of communities. In this context, an example of Lower Mainland LGA work is Resolution ER8 in 2018 (Upgrade Flood Infrastructure to consider fish and access to fish habitat). It was supported by our membership, then UBCM, and finally the province!!  This was my proudest moment since getting elected.”


To read the complete article, download a PDF copy of Living Water Smart in British Columbia: Better Communities, Better Lives