BOOK: “Dockside Green: The Story of the Most Sustainable Development in the World” – by Kim Fowler
Note to Reader:
More than a decade ago, Dockside Green piloted the standards for the LEED for Neighbourhood Development program as the first project do do so. Dockside Green went on to become the most sustainable development in the world and has a platinum rating under LEED-NC. In her recent book, Kim Fowler shares three aspects of the “story behind the story” so that others may benefit from and build upon her lessons learned.
DOCKSIDE GREEN – How to Bust Convention and Develop Sustainably
“How did a 15-acre contaminated harbour area in Victoria, BC, once nicknamed “Darkside”, become Dockside Green, the world’s most sustainable development? Kim Fowler’s book explains how community and sustainability can be achieved by an inclusive, responsible, innovative, and self-sustaining development,” stated Kim Stephens, Executive Director, Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia.
“From its inception in 2001 through its ongoing development, Kim Fowler shares the successes and failures of Dockside Green’s design, construction, operations, and lessons learned. Fowler, the original project manager and sustainability planner, was guided by visionary principles based on the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) model that successfully integrated a New Urbanism mix of residential and commercial use with its adjoining industrial working harbour.”
“The question remains – world leading sustainability was built, has proven to be successful, and is loved by those who live and work there – yet has not been substantially replicated. Why is that? This is the question that I put to Kim Fowler in a recent conversation. As we talked, it clicked in my mind that groundbreaking projects such as Dockside Green are once-in-a-generation occurrences. Rarely is there an opportunity to pass on a how-to-do-it understanding to another generation.”
“Kudos to Kim Fowler for having the passion, perseverance and commitment to write the story of Dockside Green as a how-to-guide. Making things happen in the real world requires an appreciation and understanding of human behaviour, combined with a knowledge of how decisions are made. It takes a career to figure this out. In her book, Kim Fowler builds a bridge of understanding and passes the baton from the past to the present and future.”
Why Kim Fowler’s book matters
“Why do you want people to read your book, I asked Kim Fowler?”
“Well, because there is a better way of doing development work,” Kim replied. “We have proven a model, that can be replicated in whole or in part. There are parts people can take – for example, II describe the Triple Bottom Line matrix used in the Request for Proposals for the Dockside Green land sale. Please, go use it! Adapt it to your project. My message to those who are interested in sustainable development is to take the pieces from Dockside Green that would work for you.”
To Learn More:
Read the complete story posted on the Green Infrastructure community-of-interest and titled Dockside Green, the World’s Greenest Neighbourhood.