CONVENING FOR ACTION AT GREENLINK VANCOUVER CONFERENCE: “By living water smart, communities will be more prepared for climate change and their quality of life will be enhanced,” stated Lynn Kriwoken, Ministry of Environment (October 2010)


Released in February 2004, the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia demonstrates what can be achieved through a ‘top-down & bottom-up strategy’. In retrospect, 2010 was a milestone year for ‘convening for action’ under the umbrella of the Action Plan. Much was accomplished by the Partnership for Water Sustainability in an extremely busy year.

The Partnership organized and provided program development for three flagship events under the umbrella of CAVI, Convening for Action on Vancouver Island. The Partnership also delivered program components within seven other major events organized by other organizations. The latter events were held in three regions, namely: Vancouver Island, Metro Vancouver and the Okanagan. 

At the Greenlink Conference held in Vancouver in October 201o, the Partnership delivered a module as part of the outreach for Living Water Smart, British Columbia’s Water Plan. The Water Sustainability Action Plan flows from Living Water Smart, released in 2008. The Action Plan is guided by the Living Water Smart vision, and the set of actions identified therein for building greener communities and adapting to a changing climate.

Living Water Smart in British Columbia

Living Water Smart comprises 45 commitments, which are grouped into five themes. The Action Plan plays a key delivery role in two of the five theme areas, namely: community planning and development (#5); and efficiency, outreach, public awareness (#2).

“The team of Lynn Kriwoken, Ted van der Gulik and Kim Stephens provide insight into some of the issues around water management in British Columbia,” stated Peter Williams, Chief Technology Officer for IBM’s Big Green Innovations program, when he introduced the interactive format for the Smarter Water Management panel session (which was sponsored and organized  by IBM).

To Learn More:

Download a copy of Living Water Smart, the integrated presentation by Lynn, Ted and Kim.

Download a copy of the Agenda for GreenLink 2010 – Linking Sustainable Communities, Investment Capital, Technology and Governance.

Watch Lynn Kriwoken explain the vision for Living Water Smart (8:30 minutes)

Imagine was the theme for Lynn’s presentation. “What do you imagine for water, both where you live and in your life? It is a tall order for water management in the 21st century, and how we get there? Living Water Smart outlines three key themes for realizing the vision. The first one is doing business differently. By that we mean making changes to the way we regulate and value water; and the way we develop land and communities. The other two themes are preparing communities for change, and choosing to be water smart,” stated Lynn Kriwoken.