OP-ED ARTICLE: Citizen science is in action in British Columbia (published in the Vancouver Province in February 2019)
Note to Reader:
In February 2019, the Vancouver Province newspaper published an Op-Ed co-authored by three members of the Leadership Team for the Partnership of Water Sustainability in BC, namely: Kim Stephens (Executive Director); Richard Boase (Vice-President); and Eric Bonham (founding member). Eric Bonham provided historical perspective for the article because he oversaw the Urban Salmon Habitat Program (USHP) in the 1990s when he was a Director in the Minister of Environment.
Citizen science is in action in British Columbia
Throughout British Columbia, an amazing network of volunteer groups is working to protect, restore and enhance local streams. This movement has its roots in the partnership-based Urban Salmon Habitat Program (USHP) of the 1990s.
Teamwork for the common good is a powerful and often transformative experience, particularly when a longer term vision for a local creekshed engages multiple interests, disciplines and local government. Collaboration taps into the passion and ingenuity of volunteers who are driven by commitment.
Vancouver Island examples of “citizen science in action” will be featured in the upcoming Second Annual Vancouver Island Symposium on Water Stewardship in a Changing Climate, in Parksville in April.
To Learn More:
To read the complete Op-Ed as published in the Vancouver Province newspaper, click on the image below or download a PDF copy of Citizen science in action, protecting B.C. habitat.

Citizen science in action in the Regional District of Nanaimo: Island Waters Fly Fishers participating in a habitat survey on Millstone River in 2017