OP-ED ARTICLE: Celebrating a Decade of Living Water Smart in B.C. – Where To From Here?(Asset Management BC Newsletter, June 2018)
Note to Reader:
The article that follows was published as an op-ed in the June 2, 2018 issue of the Vancouver Sun newspaper. A decade ago, the Living Water Smart program called British Columbians to action to create greener communities and prepare for climate change. The article celebrates the 10th anniversary and highlights that Asset Management for Sustainable Service Delivery: A BC Framework. is a game-changer flowing from Living Water Smart.
Collaboration in Local Government Setting
“Water defines British Columbia, and the rhythms of water are changing – winters are wetter and warmer; summers are longer and drier. Flood, drought, fire, wind and cold – extreme events are the New Normal,” wrote Kim Stephens, Executive Director, the Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC.
“The hard work of hope has resulted in a policy, program and regulatory framework that enables community-based action to adapt to the New Normal. Living Water Smart successes are defined by collaboration and a “top-down / bottom-up” approach. This brings together decision-makers and community advocates.
“Sustainable service delivery by local government occurs alongside associated evolution in community thinking. By managing the built and natural environments as integrated systems, local governments would incrementally move towards a water-resilient future as an outcome.”
To read the complete article, download the Summer 2018 issue of the Asset Management BC Newsletter.