BLUE ECOLOGY VIDEO 5: “Climate change is here. And it has happened quickly. More quickly than predicted. The real story is the accelerating rate of change, especially since extreme events are creating their own weather. In British Columbia, wildfires will shape our future,” stated Bob McDonald, national science commentator for CBC Television
In the Blue Ecology Workshop in November 2017, the CBC’s Bob McDonald (host, Quirks & Quarks) teamed with the Partnership for Water Sustainability’s Ted van der Gulik, Member of Parliament Fin Donnelly, tand Michael Blackstock (creator of the Blue Ecology paradigm) to share their unique and complementary perspectives on a water-first approach. The Fraser River was a centrepiece for the workshop program.
Kim Stephens, Executive Director of the Partnership for Water Sustainability, was the workshop faciliator/moderator.
Download “Blue Ecology – interweaving First Nations cultural knowledge and Western science” for a program preview.